Mid-fidelity wireframe
Getting into the interface
The wall—Based on the findings of users needs, I started to develop mid-fidelity wireframes with prototype. Mimicking the original pledge wall, the digital pledge wall has to feel immediately familiar

Posting a pledge—Posting should be easy to understand and quick, so all the information is input in a small window, with easy to understand language. To make the user feel safe before posting on the wall, i added a preview for users to have a final check before publishing their pledges.

Word count and error prompt—While the pledge doesn't have a minimal word count, it cannot be left empty. To keep the content brief and straight to the point, the word limit has been set to 35 words, which is about a sentence length.
Referencing social media such as Instagram and Snapchat, which are image centric with their short and engaging text. I have decided to go for a 35 words limitation, which is the close to the word limit for a Snapchat story. Because, as the name suggest, the landing page will be a wall filled with pledges. I like the users to quickly scroll through pledges without having to click into it and see the longer text, all the text should be able to fit into the post frame.

Testing and feedback—After finishing the prototype, it was shared with the client and actual users for testing. The feedback I received was positive. Comments on the legibility of the font used and the lacking of brand recognition. These were later addressed in the mock-up presentation.